Kidney pain in middle-aged people. How can we help each other?


Kidney disease is a common problem in middle-aged people. The cause is usually due to old inflammation that was not treated in time, new infections and irritations appeared and accumulated over time.

In most cases, kidney inflammations do not feel real pain, i.e. the kidneys do not hurt and this deceives people that they are healthy. Pain occurs when a stone is formed in the kidney or cystitis, of bacterial origin.

Kidney pain can be severe and excruciating, even excruciating, almost always worsening in the evening.

Chronic cystitis with burning, painful urination and development of Escherichia coli may occur. Unfortunately, everyone turns to antibiotics and painkillers, which is a big mistake that only worsens the problem, temporarily delaying new pains.

Once diseased, the kidneys are extremely difficult to treat, as the inflammatory processes are very persistent. A common mistake in their treatment is that we treat the problem temporarily, i.e. we treat the symptoms, not the source of the pain.

Sooner or later the decision to natural treatment is reached.

For natural treatment and prevention of kidney pain, try Urofit. Dr. Toshkov's Urofit.

Urofit is a completely natural product and is composed only of Bulgarian herbs.
You can get acquainted with the full composition of Urofit here.

Urofit is taken to treat kidney inflammation, cystitis and kidney stones.
It is suitable for everyone, including children over 4 years of age.
The recommended period of intake is 2 - 3 months, with the daily dosage being three times 2 tablets after meals.