Psoriasis is one of more frequent disease of the skin, which is chronic and leads to severe complications and cosmetic defects. The changes of the skin are localised on the front surface of the legs, back surface of the arms, especially on the knees and elbows, on the trunk, and hairy part of the had, and the boundaries non hairy parts ( so cold psoriatic crown), on the external genitals. Rarely they are localised on other skin areas. In Psoriasis at the beginning a red spot appears on the skin, covered with a grey-white scale. After that it gets with high density rises over the level of the skin and begins to look like a nodule (papule) sized from several millimetres to one centimetre. The changes tend to fuse and to form different plaques by size. The skin eruptions are localized almost symmetrically and are surrounded by pale oriole. When scratching they break up into white dust. (So called symptom, as drop of candle).After pilling off, there appears so called symptom of bloody dew, with formatting small bloody dots.