
Herbal product for white discharge and ovarian inflammation

Tablets count: 120
12,90 BGN
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For difficult secretion of the breast during breas
25,80 BGN
For myoma without bleeding
25,80 BGN
For ovarian cysts
25,80 BGN
In case of irregular and absent menstruation
39,30 BGN
For severe premenstrual syndrome
26,40 BGN


How does it act?

Yarrow acts especially favorably on the female reproductive system. It normalizes the monthly cycle of women. It eliminates the painful menstruation, prevents formation of cysts of the ovaries. It has anti-inflammatory effect on the throat and respiratory system.

How and how much can be taken?

Yarrow is taken from 3 to 6 tablets daily after eating and the supporting dosage recommended by Dr. Toshkov is from 1 to 2 tablets. The favorable effect of Yarrow appears after the 2nd week of reception. For achieving permanent results it should be taken for a longer time (at least 5-6 months).

Are there any undesired or side effects?

Yarrow has no undesired or side effects. The product has been offered on the market for 8 years and the tolerance towards it is proven positive. Overdosage with Yarrow is not possible. Yarrow could not harm you because it is a real natural product, beneficial to your health. It is not addictive and no allergic and toxic effects are observed.
