
Премахни неприятните симптоми на менопаузата 13.08.2018 Eliminate unpleasant symptoms of menopause Hot flashes, palpitations, nervousness, sweating - this is not a disease and you should not be afraid. This is a normal state of your body when you reach a certain age. It's a climax.... Билково лечение за здравето на черния ни дроб 16.04.2018 Herbal treatment for our liver health Did you know that the liver generally does not hurt? This is the reason why many people do not immediately understand the appearance of congenital liver disease. In this article we will... Как да се справим с повишения холестерол? 23.03.2018 How to deal with high cholesterol? Elevated cholesterol is a very common blood test result. What this means, what the dangers are and how to prevent them, you will learn in this short article. Elevated levels of... Симптоми и лечение на Цистит 09.03.2018 Cystitis symptoms and treatment Cystitis (in Latin: cystitis) is an inflammatory disease of the lining of the bladder, which can also affect other layers of the bladder wall. The main symptoms by which you can recognize... Депресията - масов проблем 20.02.2018 Depression is a massive problem Depression is no longer that rare disease or condition of the nervous system. For many, depression has become a daily occurrence. It accompanies us regardless of a number of factors favorable to... Болки в бъбреците. Какви мерки да вземем? 06.02.2018 Kidney pain. What measures should we take? Frequent urination or the occurrence of cystitis during the cold weather is not a random symptom. As a result of a cold or the viral diseases that attack us in winter, it is possible to experience... Температура. Какво да правим? 25.01.2018 Temperature. What should we do? Many of you must have heard the theory that raising the temperature helps your body fight the disease. Yes, it is a fact, at least when it comes to flu conditions. Here you will learn what is... Кашлица. Какво да правим? 25.01.2018 A cough. What should we do? Whenever we get sick with the flu or another virus, one of the most obvious results is a cough. Almost always, a cough with the flu is accompanied by a fever and difficulty breathing. Тук ще... Специфичните симптоми и лечение на грипа този сезон 24.01.2018 The specific symptoms and treatment of the flu this season Flu this season is known to change rapidly and suddenly. It affects increasingly large groups of people, and successful prevention of infection is almost impossible in a social environment....