Temperature. What should we do?


Many of you must have heard the theory that raising the temperature helps your body fight the disease. Yes, it is a fact, at least when it comes to flu conditions.

Here you will learn what is inherent in the temperature accompanying viral inflammations, what are the acceptable norms and most importantly - what measures you should take in case of a flu condition with a high and prolonged temperature.

  • The temperature that accompanies viral inflammations is a big problem for patients, especially when it comes to small children. It is really very wrong to lower the temperature at any cost.
  • It is normal for the body to maintain a temperature of about 37-38 degrees during inflammatory processes.
  • The temperature causes malaise, headaches, palpitations. The feeling of discomfort is overwhelming, but it is important to understand that the increase in temperature in these norms means that your body is struggling to heal itself.
  • If you have already started to remove it with medicines before 38.5 degrees, it is better to delay the treatment and switch to wet compresses, rubbings with vinegar and
  • water and camphor spirit.
  • fruits.
  • toast.
  • dairy products.
  • chicken or ham.
  • Always trust the purest and highest quality Bulgarian herbal combinations, collected with care from the Bulgarian mountains, by Tomil Herb - the herbal pharmacy of Bulgaria.
  • In the treatment of flu with fever, Dr. Toshkov offers you care based on the purest healing ingredients from nature. These are herbs that are anti-inflammatory and work directly to treat the viral diseases that are characteristic of this season.


Echinacea and VIRONAL - Take them together - they will solve the problems of inflammation and temperature, in a harmless and gentle way for your organism.