
Arthritis is a destructive joint disease with loss of articular cartilage and changes in the adjacent bone tissue. In the course of the disease, destruction of the articular cartilage occurs, with erosions and cracks forming on it, reaching the depth of the bone, which is compacted and spikes are produced. Arthrosis occurs with joint pains during movement, which decrease with rest. With arthrosis of the legs, the pains are stronger in the morning when moving, then they pass and in the evening they reappear and intensify. As the disease progresses, movements in the affected joint are limited, it is deformed, and the surrounding musculature has a reduced tone. With greater joint load or trauma, an inflammatory process develops and then the joint pain is constant, around the clock, the joint swells, the skin on it is shiny and swollen, movements in the joint are severely limited or impossible.