Hair loss

There are several causes for hair loss:

treating with chemical compounds - permanent usage of colouring products, hot air from hair-dryer. They irritate skin of the head and dry it. Aggressive shampoo change pH of the skin layer, which disturbs the growth, and dropped hair doesn't grow quickly.

  • Absent of vitamins and minerals - the hair needs from iron, zinc and vitamins B and C to grow.
  • Predisposition (androgenetic hair loss). In such case the rots of the hair don't regenerate - inherited - often in young people. Then the men get tensor, in women the hair continues to become thin.
  • Hormonal changes - in this case there is total hair loss
  • Thyroid gland disturbances - because hyper- or hypo function of the thyroid the hair becomes thin, breaks and loose colour.
  • Disturbance in the immune system - the growth stops, the hair break from the basis, even in clusters (round hair loss).