Vertigo and buzzing

Vertigo is symptom, which can appear abruptly as independent condition, or in combination with other symptoms. The vertigo itself is a condition, which appears after physical and psychical tiredness, more often in women and is characterized by several signs. Usually it appears abruptly, as a movement of the subjects (room) horizontally, but not rare vertically. It seems like a slight earthquake and rocking of the room, as this feeling is accompanied with fear and cold sweating. Very often accompany condition is dizziness and single vomiting. In these cases photophobia can appear (the patient like to be with closed eyes, because of irritation by the light. Very often the vertigo is early in the morning at wake up and it is accompanied by high pulse rate and blood pressure. The buzzing is different in all patients. Most often the patients complain from high, crying sounds (whistling, clanging). These patients face mental disturbance, often suffer from depression. The reason of acoustic disturbances is a noise in any from as well as stress, mental conflicts, heart diseases, or metabolism disturbances.